Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Zoo Time!

Me, Chelsea, Melissa, Justin, Josh, Kim, Mom and Dad... so that would be everyone but Mandy and Ryan... went to the zoo. It was great fun and we all got to see the white alligator that wasn't really even that cool...but it's white! They had a lot of new baby monkeys that me and Melissa had fun watching and we spent a lot of time by the penguins with Justin while the rest of the family was apparently watching two zebras fight it out to the death. But it was a lot of fun and a great family adventure...excluding Mandy and Ryan..sorry!! Ha ha

1 comment:

Ryan... said...

Hm. looks like the "family" had a good time at the zoo... Ryan and I had a lot of fun that day too. actually, probably more fun. beat that!!